
Friday, 12 February 2010

Motown's Greatest Hits How Sweet It Is review Congress Theatre Eastbourne

Motown's Greatest Hits
How Sweet It Is
Congress Theatre
12th February 2010

motowns greatest hits how sweet it is
The leaftlet on the left says "You'll be dancing in the ailes!!"

It doesn't tell lies either the audience were dancing in the aisles, in their seats in the circle, anywhere there was space.

16 talented people made up this incredible Motown tribute

A fantastic 8 piece band  (all male on the night)
5 outstanding male singers who must have been on Red Bull overdose to have as much energy as they displayed.
Last but not least 3 vocally brilliant female singers

Together they delivered 2 amazing hours of non stop Motown Hits from the likes of The Temptations, The Four Tops, Lionel Richie, The Supremes, The Jackson 5 and a multitude of other well known artists.

This is the first show we have seen at the Congress this year and in these financially difficult times it is rare for any artist to achieve an audience size that sees good numbers in the circle as well as being packed in the stalls. The "Motown  brothers and sisters" and their band managed it though.

As they have now been touring 6 years I can only assume their popularity is down to word of mouth recommendation, reputation and sheer talent because their isn't a single famous name amongst this line up.

We've discovered over the years though that you don't have to have famous names to deliver the most memorable shows. Tonight's show just reinforced that.

According to the group's website there are two acts they usually perform - one featuring the boys only and one with the girls.

It's interesting that I have seen reviews of the boys only show and that whilst the reviewers enjoyed the show and gave favourable reviews they did feel that the show needed a female presence to deliver the classic Motown feminine hits.

I can't comment on this not having seen the male only show. What I do know is the show works superbly with a male/female mix and the reviewers mentioned above did happen to be male which I suppose may introduce a level of bias especially as the men seemed to be very popular with the ladies.

This is a show which leaves you on a high wanting more and with the show being not too far away in Tunbridge Wells on 14th March it's not too long before anybody in this region can see it again

As for everybody else in the country Swansea, Worcester, Loughborough London, Southsea, York, Liverpool, Edinburgh and Sunderland are all venues coming up in the next few months so it's best to book your favoured seats now.

motowns greatest hits how sweet it is 5 out of 5

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