Chas and Dave
Final Tour
Assembly Hall Theatre
Royal Tunbridge Wells
6th March 2011
Chas and Dave "The Final Tour" it is billed as........ but will it be?
If tonight's fabulous reception in Royal Tunbridge Wells is anything to go by Charles Hodges and David Peacock will have to wonder whether it really is time to call it a day.
We have not seen Chas and Dave for many years but they are as entertaining as ever and even though many years have passed by they never look any older. I think it's the beard thing. They may make a young person look much older but equally they can keep an older man looking seemingly locked in middle age.

The playlist for this particular tour has been well thought out with the first half consisting of the tracks the lads played in the pubs and clubs of London as their career built in the 1970s including their smash hit Gertcha. After the interval comes the more well know material from the 80's and 90's including, of course, Rabbit.
The audiences in Tunbridge Wells are never an easy to please crowd but Chas and Dave seemed to have what it takes to awaken the people of this historic spa town. They had the capacity audience on their feet and even had a couple of enthusiastic groupies who, seemingly slightly the worse for wear following one drink too many, danced at the front of the auditorium constantly apologising to the poor fellow in the front row they kept falling into. Well I say danced it was more of an alcohol assisted wild arm waving and sway session. Quite funny to watch really but aggravating at the same time for anybody whose view they were blocking without consideration.
Merchandise? CDs at £10 and T-Shirts at £20 (or multi buy at 2 for £30) were selling by the box load at the end as Chas and Dave stayed behind for anybody who wanted their purchase signed.
I joined the end of the queue hoping for a further Great Ormond Street signing and they did not let me or the charity down.
If you are interested in bidding on the eventual completely one-off signed product please click the image with the playing cards for further details.
So an extremely popular show with the Tunbridge Wells crowd and if this is the reception they are getting everywhere will they really want to pack it in? I have noticed that in many cases Final Tour is being replaced with Reunion Tour and I wonder if this means Chas & Dave may be having second thoughts?
I couldn't blame them if they did.
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